Sunday 17 December 2023

A Very Merry Bonkers Christmas!


I can’t be the only one who finds herself getting giddy about Christmas, can I? I don’t mean: giddy at the anticipation of receiving, oh I don’t know, something gold and encrusted with diamonds, let's say (paint a picture if you will of this going completely over Scott’s head!). No, I mean going a bit silly at the excitement of all things Festive: decorating the tree, hanging the tinsel, wrapping presents, the aroma of mince pies and cake, Christmas Pud, and of course, fabulous family gatherings. On a recent trip (November) back home to the UK, I was reminded that I am most definitely not the only one! 

In our family at least, Christmas has a way of bringing out the Festive Spirit in each of us. From the meticulous planning of sweet baking, delicious savoury feasts, buying and wrapping presents, to the strategic placement of ornaments on the tree, we're all quite engulfed in the joyous madness that accompanies the season. So, I am DEFINITELY not alone in my penchant for becoming utterly bonkers about Christmas. 

I was in the UK for two reasons and visiting family was one very important reason. A hint of winter anticipation already hung in the air on my arrival (as in: it was bloody cold!). High Streets were adorned with twinkling lights and in the shops, placed carefully amongst the baubles and tinsel, hung sequined party outfits, reindeer PJ's and boxed gift sets galore!

Back at Mum's house (and my 'hotel' for a week), it was during lively talks about Christmas preparations with her and Kay and Rachel, that I was reminded that the holiday madness isn't exclusive to me. We laughed as we placed imaginary bets on who's tree would be the first to be put up. Suffice to say, I already knew that mine wouldn't be by a comfortable mile. No sooner was I home at the end of the month, photos of Christmas Tree installations had already been shared on our little WhatsApp group. There was nothing for it but to urgently employ the services of hubby and his ladder to help retrieve the decorations from their lofty storage so that I could get to work. 

Amid the preparations, my mind wandered to some distinct highlights of the year, which neatly brings me to the second reason (or first, if you take it in chronological order) for flying over:..

By far the biggest highlight HAS to be graduating with Mac Nutrition University. If anyone were to think: "EASY! Everyone passes online courses, don't they?!"  Well, in this case, no, not everyone does.  In MNU's defence (not that their reputation is in any danger whatsoever), the content is thorough and there's a lot to learn, and then the exams are purposefully difficult enough to make you work even harder to win the right to call yourself an MNU Certified Nutritionist. This year, MNU has been awarded by OFQUAL for Level 5 Diploma in Nutrition and Science. It's an incredible achievement for "just an online course" isn't it, and this means that I've earned the title of 'MN. Nutri' after my name. Frankly though, I am just thrilled that the last 18 months (and the year before that studying a pre-requisite course) has paid off and that I can really start to prepare for what I have brought myself out of 'retirement' to do. 

Back home in Spain, and I'm keeping good to the promise I made to my sister Helen and am taking what remains of 2023 off. I need to concentrate on family and friends again, relax too, and definitely give poor hubby a break from the telling 'DO NOT DISTURB' glares that I've shot at him over my laptop for the past year and a half. 

I also promised myself I would catch up on some neglected home and craft projects and am steadily working my way through those. I love being creative; something else that runs unchecked in our family (like our excitement for Christmas). 

Relieved from the distraction of studying nutrition science, my brain (all by itself, as it has tendency to do when it becomes a little idle!) conjured up the idea for starting a little sideline with Helen.  Pretty soon, "Hermana Crafts" was born. It's only on Instagram just now but we'll see now things develop. For now, it's a place for us to showcase the things we make and we'll throw in some hints and tips occasionally too. right now, we're focusing on Christmas crafts and especially on how one can lay a magazine-worthy Christmas table on a budget. It's going to be really exciting pooling our ideas together in one place, and to showcasing other family members' (and friends') work from time to time, if they also want to share their creative talents. 

I can't let the year pass by without acknowledging a notable little low, but I promise not to dwell. I lost my dear sweet Humbug in late Summer.  He was 16 and became frightfully poorly. Despite our best efforts, it was his time to go; to go meet his sister Fudge, and his Daddy. I'll miss the stripey little twit. He was simply the best 'Grandpa' to the newest furry members of the Forbes family. Oh yes, now about them: ...

So far, our Christmas tree (tied securely to a kitchen shelf!) has survived the unwanted attention of our latest kitten rescue. Her name is Aurelia (our little woodland nymph). She was found up a Eucalyptus tree, escaping a pack of ill-intentioned hunting dogs. You might appreciate my concern, therefore, that my carefully arranged baubles would end up spread about the floor, while the tree lay in horizontal hedgy confusion. To her credit though, Aurelia has at least given this tree a reasonably wide berth. That might be on account of the little pat on the bottom she got for daring to attempt to climb it just the once?

Aurelia is the latest member of our four-legged family, a family that was meant to shrink as the old legs naturally succumbed to old age. I'm acutely aware that I haven't formally introduced any of them to Blogland, but then my studies have kept me from writing. 

By rights, we should have just one dog by now (Rocky), but over the last two and half years he's been joined by German Shepherd siblings (Maya and Nevis), and two cat sisters (Wilma and Betty) who, at no more than 48 hours old, were found by Daniel beside a bin in a Luis Vuitton shopping bag (don't you just detest some people?). Sixteen months on, the sisters are ambushed on a daily basis by Aurelia, who's now 5 months. I remain hopeful that she will grow gracefully into the name that I carefully and tenderly chose for her. In reality, a creeping regret looms that I didn't christen her something with more of a hooligan connotation!

Scott has taken up Padel Tennis and is rather good at it. In fact, he's a self-proclaimed "natural". He's not the most gracious of players though, I must say; regularly pounding other members of the group with his competitively ferocious volleys. They keep volunteering for more matches, however, so they must either enjoy the pounding ... or they're all just foolish?!

My fitness endeavours continue with my commitment to turn up at the gym and strength train four times a week. If I'm ever to successfully encourage my future clients to get (or be) stronger, and be suitably fueled for the task, then I must try to be a decent advocate for its benefits.

On the sideline (or at least just up the road), an excellent sports physio awaits to massage away the odd pulled or strained muscle ... which happens at our age!

As the penultimate week before Christmas Day beckons, I am living up to the one quality Scott once said he loves most about me. I rather foolishly made the error of asking him the question, to which his answer was: "You're very organised". I honestly wondered why I bothered asking but I replaced my initial disappointment with acceptance of his declaration as a compliment. I'll let other women be adored for their beautiful smiles and swan-like grace. My smile (by deduction of Scott's protestation) can only be average at best.  As for swan-like grace? I trip over my own shoelaces!

So, in time-honoured (and evidently best-loved-for) organisational style, my final Christmas job list has been prepared and my week ahead of cooking and baking has been scheduled with near-military precision (with customary breaks for gatherings and merriment of course!)  Final food purchases are noted on my phone Notes, and the presents are wrapped and under the tree. They are occasionally sniffed at by the kitties to see if at least one of them might be a carton of fresh salmon.

My decorations and table plan for this year have been carefully selected to match the new home decor (poor Scott simply can't keep up with me and a paintbrush!) and our home looks rather splendid, if I might say so myself?!  We're hosting dinner for 10 this year so it's going to be busy, and also delightful. 

As I put the final touches to this blog, my Spotify account is Ding-Dong-Merrily-On-High'ing through Google Home and I'm singing along with the same bonkers enthusiasm I have for everything else at this time of year. The classic croonings of Bing, Nat and Louis are graciously sharing the airwaves with the more modern Do They Know It's Christmas'es.  They're all keeping me company while Scott's at the football with the boys. 

My phone sitting beside me is currently silent, but within the Christmas theme that I've chosen for it, I shall await the "...and a Happy New Year!" and sleigh bells sound of the notification tone, to hopefully tell me that our team have scored. I remain hopeful. 

Christmas is time to recall magical childhood memories, get a bit shouty and silly, share scrumptious and thoughtful gifts, watch all those Christmas specials, love one another more, and find joy among all the stuff we'd rather forget, because it's Christmas!

I shall remain joyfully focused behind my closed curtains and count my blessings that I have my family. I'm full of gratitude that they are mine and that they are all happy and healthy and making their own preparations for Christmas. I know that they'll make it perfect in their own unique and special way. 

Wherever you are, and whoever you are with, have a Joyful and Merry Christmas, and a Peaceful New Year. 

Much love x.

Wilma's Message To The World

  I don't know why I have never formally introduced my pets to this Blog. Perhaps I should have, before now, because if I had you would ...