Monday 1 July 2024

Wilma's Message To The World


I don't know why I have never formally introduced my pets to this Blog. Perhaps I should have, before now, because if I had you would have got to know Wilma when she was alive: loving, funny, cute, sassy and independent, and so lucky to have been found alive at just 48 hours old, with her sister Betty. Why she was destined to die just short of her 2nd birthday is so difficult to accept. 

But, in the days that followed laying her to rest, the beginnings of the story below came to me as I slept. I like to think that these words are from Wilma, from the light that she has now become. I like to think she encouraged me as I fine-tuned her Message to the World. Perhaps this is her way of helping me to understand, and come to terms with her passing.

For the first time in three weeks, I rallied myself to choose a photo of her to use at the bottom of this Blog. I haven't been able to bring myself to look until now, I knew it would hurt too much to do it before. The first image is just a representation of her, the melding together of images created with the help of AI. It seems we have to own up to that now?!

So, over to you, Wilma. Thank you my Baby Girl:

On a warm, early summer’s evening, under the light of a full moon, Wilma sat on the edge of a bank in her garden, tongue-bathing in preparation for her next evening adventure. Just then, a beautiful golden light appeared beside her, brighter and more lovely than the moonlight itself.

Feeling the warmth and calm of this golden light beside her, Wilma turned her head towards it.

“I feel that I should know you,” she purred, “but why don’t I know your name?”

“You do know me,” said the golden light, “everyone knows me and by many names: ‘The Universe’, ‘Consciousness’, ‘Truth’, ‘Source’, ‘Divine Light’, ‘God’, ‘Spirit’, and even ‘Love’.

“I think I like ‘Love’ the best, Wilma mused, “I shall call you Love.” She then returned to the very important task of tongue-bathing.

A brief silence followed, before Love spoke again.

“Wilma,” it whispered gently, “I’m here to tell you that your time must soon come and that you must leave here.”

Wilma gasped. “Leave?! But I don’t want to leave. I love my home, and I love my family! Why must I leave?”.  She conjured up her most serious-looking stare before pointing it defiantly at the presence she’d called Love, thinking perhaps it wasn’t such a good name after all.

“Hmmm,” Love uttered, “then whom do you suggest I should ask instead? Betty perhaps?”

“Betty?!” exclaimed Wilma “No! You can’t ask Betty. She is my sister, and I love her most of all!”

Love remained silent, as if waiting for Wilma to ponder some more.

“Betty and Aurelia are so very close,” breathed Wilma, “Aurelia must have had such a sad life before Mummy found her. She would be so very lost if it were Betty who were to leave.”

“That’s a very good point,” nodded Love, “Mabel or Murphy then perhaps?”

“NO!” Wilma meowed angrily, her usually soft voice taking on a tone of incredulance at Love’s suggestion. “They are just babies!”  She then calmed herself as she cast her gaze downward in quiet contemplation.

Love sat silently, waiting for Wilma to draw the conclusion it knew she would make. It shimmered in what seemed like the movement of soft, gentle breathing.

“Will they miss me?” Wilma murmured eventually, fearing to ask, “because I know will miss them very, very much.” she continued sadly, a tear appearing on her cheek.

“Oh yes, Wilma, they will miss you so VERY much indeed,” reassured Love, “and their hearts will ache, because you are loved, so very loved. But time will pass, and Love itself will help wipe away their tears.”

“Then they will forget me.” Wilma purred again, taking a deep breath and resigning to herself to look up and out from the top of her bank.

Love’s glow then seemed to dull a little, as if mirroring the sadness it knew was sitting in Wilma’s heart right at that moment.

 “Oh Wilma, they will NEVER forget you”, it reassured her, “they will hold you in their hearts always, with precious memories of you and all that you were, and they will speak of you often. To them, the passing of time will feel like a lifetime, and they will miss you for as long as that. But to you, the passing of time will feel nothing more than the single beat of a heart, and you will see them again very soon.”

“Ah, now this I HAVE heard of!” Wilma’s spirits began to lift, “I’ve heard Mummy and her friends speak of a meeting place called ‘The Rainbow Bridge’!”  She nodded her head quite authoritatively, hoping Love would be impressed that she knew something at least.

Wilma then swore that at that very moment, she heard Love softly chuckle.

“That’s a wonderful way to think of it,” it responded, “and, yes, there is a meeting place, a place where you will be waiting for them. And when they come to join you there will be much joy, more than your earthly hearts can know, but the kind that your soul hearts have always known.”

“Is this where Heaven is?” asked Wilma, tentatively, “I have heard that it’s so very far away.” She cast her eyes up towards the moon.

Love appeared to swell and glow brighter at Wilma’s question. “You could say that’s where Heaven is,” it answered softly, “but Heaven, is not nearly as far away as you might think.”

Wilma stared questioningly at Love, hoping for more. Love saw this and so continued:

“I am part of what you call Heaven,” it said, “yet here I am, resting here beside you. While you have chosen to name me ‘Love’, I am also The Universe.  I am everywhere and I am also wherever I need to be, and so this will be for you, when your Soul light joins with mine.”

Wilma turned back to Love. With a confused frown on her little grey brow she said: “So, if Heaven is here, and you are here, and you are The Universe and so part of Heaven, then when I become part of you, that means I am still here too, but you have just told me that I must leave?!”  Wilma’s frown lines knotted into the same muddle that sat inside her head, as she tried to make sense of it all.

Love’s glow softened, and Wilma felt as if gentle folding arms wrapped her in a reassuring embrace.

“Wilma, there are things that our earthly minds struggle to understand, but that our Souls know with all confidence,” it said warmly, “It is our earthly bodies that wither and die, while our Soul bodies continue, to Heaven as you call it.”

Wilma’s eyes twinkled brightly as she sat pondering for a moment, before looking up towards Love again: “Then I like to think that I will part of you and glow just as warm and pretty,” she said decidedly, “and I like to think that I will be part of The Universe, and Love, and that time will pass quickly for me before I see my family again.” As she said this, Wilma nodded again, this time understanding everything.

Love seemed to nod back and glow more brightly again. It also knew exactly the next question that sat on Wilma’s lips before saying: “Wilma, because you will be Love and a part of me, The Universe, I want you to know that your power will help heal the hearts of those you must leave behind.”

“How will I do that?” questioned Wilma

“Because of what I have told you already,” Love answered, glowing its brightest yet, “Because you will be wherever you need to be. When your family think of you and feel sad, you will go to them.

You will be in the breeze that kisses their cheeks, in the branches of trees that bend to its whisper. You will be in the sun that warms their skin, and in the butterfly wings that flutter past. You will be in the beauty of flowers that open each morning and in the glorious aroma of their perfume. You will be in the sound of the waves that lap the shore, in the sweet breath of a horse, the purr of a cat, and the even the soft rumble of an elephant’s song. You will be in all these things, and also everything else that is pure and good.

When your loved ones think of you, they will notice these things more and they will feel them in their hearts, because these things will be You. You will be all that is Love, and you will be all that is The Universe."

“Wow!” cried Wilma, her eyes opening wide.

But Wilma suddenly couldn’t help but feel a little scared. She turned to Love and asked: “Must I leave tonight?  Please tell me that I don’t have to leave tonight!” she pleaded, “I want to be able to say 'Goodbye'.”  Wilma’s eyes searched Love for the answer she so wanted to hear.

“Don’t worry Wilma,” replied Love quietly, “No, you won’t have to leave tonight. You will go about your adventures this evening, perhaps you will catch a mouse, and then you will return home and sleep on the sofa, like you always do.  No sooner than I leave you, you will have no memory of my visit. You will carry on being a cat until I return to take you with me.”

“Will they know I have gone?” asked Wilma, suddenly feeling very concerned, “Will they find me, the me that will no longer be me?”

“Yes Wilma. Your Mummy understands some of the ways of The Universe. She will ask me to bring you home, and together we will answer her. With your Daddy’s help, she will be able to lay you to rest, back where you belong.”

“I’m glad of that,” purred Wilma looking relieved, before adding: “I am happy that I will be in all those things that you have told me I will be. When they think of me, I will be all those things and they will know I’m there to comfort them.”

“Yes, Wilma, you will, and they will feel it too.” said Love gently.

“There is just one more thing that I must tell you before I leave you for now,” said Love.

Wilma sat patiently while Love finished:

“Your journey is not over Wilma. One day, when the time is right, you will return.”

“To my family? Tell me that I will come back to my family!” begged Wilma, her paws coming together as if in prayer.

“Wilma, the Souls you will join, and the Souls who will join you later, are your family, and that it is how it shall always remain,” it replied, “Your journeys will continue together. That is your destiny.”

“Ah,” Wilma said, feeling her most content. She sat up tall, puffed out her chest, and drew her soft paw authoritatively across a bothersome whisker. Then with an air of regal splendor she announced: “Then I shall return as a cat, because Mummy says that it’s really us cats who rule the World!”

Love’s glow let out spears of light in all directions, as if blasting forth in uncontrolled laughter.

“Wilma,” it bellowed, “I have every confidence that in whomsoever you return, you shall rule the World!”

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Wilma's Message To The World

  I don't know why I have never formally introduced my pets to this Blog. Perhaps I should have, before now, because if I had you would ...