Monday 8 April 2019

You can have any colour, just so long as it's white!

It's been ages since my last blog, not that anyone will have noticed.  We've seen Christmas, New Year (when we were burgled which was a crappy affair), made trips home and abroad and passed through a significant season or two in gardening terms. Our tomatoes have long gone (as have nearly all the chutneys made from them), and we've nearly eaten our way through the crop of scrummy winter vegetables.  Gone too are last year's jams and marmalades but our blossoming trees are full of promise of peaches, apricots, nectarines and plums to come.

This busy time has been predominated by the redecorating which I'd only just started last September. I suppose this largely makes up for my lengthy absence from blogging. Since then, I've been knee deep in furnishing fabrics and white paint. The house isn't entirely white, there's a splash of colour here and there to avoid glare! I've a few finishing touches to see to which naturally will include a little bit of accessory shopping, then it's all done. Mr Forbes has been quiet and generous throughout the process; simply validating verbally all my gentle persuasions of "trust me darling"!

A montage of decorating : the 'piece de la resistance', the new upholstered sofa, my first!

There's been a steep learning curve during this decorating journey, namely; reupholstering techniques, updating of old tired doors, and assembling IKEA furniture without cursing!  I can't wait to see what our returning visitors will make of the changes. A Spanish friend recently remarked that I have "manos de oro" (hands of gold) which I guess is a local colloquialism said of one possessing a creative talent.  Whatever, I shall take it as a huge compliment.

Fudge is not particularly subtle when it comes to demanding I put my sewing down for a cuddle!

I won't have time to sit back and wonder how to occupy my time after the house is finished because, apart from all the maintenance that a place this big demands, there are oranges to mow over, a ton of weeds to pull up and a new delivery of gravel to help spread!

Some oranges saved from the mower.

I figure I'd better make the rest of his update as mercifully brief as possible, so the last few months are crammed in below in picture book form.  Be thankful that you've been spared my rambling ... until next time that is!  See you soon. 💚

 A selection of festive baking triumphs. Well, the kids were coming for Christmas!

New Year's Eve outfits. It should have been a great night with friends but a burglary in progress spoiled that!  Our home security has since been upgraded.

Our knees in Portugal, and a surprise visit to my Mum who was staying with friends. 
A visit to see family in Norwich (and the chance to watch Duncan's old club Norwich beat Milwall)
Away trip to Tenerife to watch our home team play (the Guiri Bus was an experience!).

... quickly followed by Valentine's in Edinburgh (where we looked up the ancestors and continued our clan wars! 😂

Our beehive is ready!  We eagerly await the arrival of our first colony. F3H honey will be worth the wait!

Our winter crop of vegetables just keeps coming, thanks to the green-fingered Mr Forbes

Not forgetting the rest of the garden

Mr Forbes is quite the accomplished cook .. when he's not tending his veggie patch ... or pretending that he was happy with my insistence to tidy his man drawer!

Let the battle against menopause begin! Yoga in the sun and a weekly 3km swim should help for starters. (I remain hopelessly optimistic!)

The occasional ride out in the skip, er I mean the Forbes company vehicle. 


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